
基于无线局域网的路灯节电智能控制器设计 被引量:2

Design of Street Lamp Intelligent Controller Based on Wireless LAN
摘要 为节约照明用电,设计的一种由NRF24L01通信组网的路灯节电智能控制器,分为市电供电版和太阳能LED版。通过传感器检测路面人和车的信息,通过无线通信网去控制相应的路灯开、关或增加、减小亮度,从而实现"按需照明"的功能,达到节能的效果。测试表明,相比传统路灯控制,此控制器能够实现节电30%左右。 In order to save road lighting power,we designed an intelligent street lamp electricity saving controller,including the city power version and the LED version of solar energy.Through the sensor to detect information of people and vehicle,and then through the wireless communication network,it controlled the corresponding lights,let them open,close,or increase the brightness,so as to realize the " on demand lighting" function,to save energy.The test showed that,compared with the traditional street lamp control,the controller can save about 30% energy.
出处 《湖北工业大学学报》 2015年第2期77-81,94,共6页 Journal of Hubei University of Technology
关键词 节电技术 NRF24L01无线通信 路灯 太阳能LED power saving technology wireless communication street lamps
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