
徽州村落旅游中游客及东道主的凝视行为 被引量:44

The Behavior of Tourists and Hosts by Gazing the Huizhou Villages
摘要 Urry提出的"游客凝视"是旅游社会学、旅游文化学研究的重要理论分析工具,"凝视"是一个多利益主体参与互动的复杂系统。徽州村落是徽文化的符号和标志,徽州村落旅游凝视的主体是游客和东道主,客体和核心是物质指向与精神指向的文化符号,两主体依托文化符号产生互动,而对文化符号的认识层次较浅。安徽黟县的西递、宏村、南屏具有丰富的徽文化特征吸引物。在案例地采用定量的问卷调查、定性参与式观察和访谈方法收集资料,分析相关定量和定性资料,并对相关网络文本及图片进行内容分析,探讨徽州村落旅游中的游客凝视行为及东道主凝视行为,梳理游客凝视行为和东道主凝视行为共同作用的过程。研究发现,徽文化的内涵、徽文化的精神内髓在旅游过程中鲜有彰显。游客对文化符号需求层次较浅,东道主对文化符号认识层次较浅。 The “tourist gaze” proposed by John Urry is an important theoretical analysis tool applied in the fields of tourism sociology and tourism culture research. The tourism gaze concept, which includes both the tourist gaze and host gaze, is a complex system of diverse factors with numerous interactions between the beneficiaries like tourists and hosts. This study briefly analyzes both international and domestic Chinese trends in tourism gaze research and summarizes the current hot topics in the area. There is a current domestic focus on tourism gaze. Chinese researchers use this theoretical tool to study aspects such as tourist-host interactions, cultural changes in minority areas, the shaping of tourism destinations, tourism image, tourist behavior, and tourist experience. The Huizhou culture has rich connotations and complete systems. Xidi, Hongcun and Nanping of Yixian are famous for their traditional culture, while Xidi and Hongcun are listed as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) world heritage sites. There are many tourism attractions in these three villages, which are the example sites for this study. A questionnaire survey was used to gather data and information during August 2012. A total of 410 tourist questionnaires and 310 host questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. Completed and valid responses were received from 407 tourist questionnaires and 303 host questionnaires. The alpha coefficients are 0.8966 and 0.9285, respectively. The 19 questionnaire indicators are classified into three categories to measure the behavior of both tourists and hosts. SPSS 11.5 software was used to order and to analyze the data. It was used to analyze the tourists' impression and the hosts' comprehension about Huizhou villages' characteristics. Further ancillary investigation methods were used, such as constructed interviews, participant observations and non-participant observations. Such methods were added to study the hosts' impression of the Huizhou villages' characteristics and the hosts' views of tourists. Text and photographs from Mafengwo--a tourism website with over 50 million users--were also conditionally collected for content analysis. High-frequency words from the texts were picked up using ROST WordParser .Space-subject method was used to study the image characteristics. Ancient villages are regarded as symbols and markers of Huizhou culture. The main subjects of tourism gaze in the Huizhou villages are the tourists and the hosts. The objects are the culture signals, also considered as the core of tourism gaze, and include the material and spiritual forms of the culture. The tourists and hosts interact based on gazing at the relevant culture symbol. They reflect the natural scenery, the man-made environment, the traditional culture and the hosts' lifestyle. However, both the tourists and the hosts have only a shallow understanding of these culture signals. This research discusses the behaviors of tourists and hosts in Huizhou' s ancient villages while gazing at the cultural symbol. The interaction process between the tourist gaze and the host gaze are analyzed. It is found that the connotation and inner spirit of Huizhou' s culture are neglected in tourism by both the tourists and the hosts. The level of the tourists' demand for and the hosts' understanding of the culture symbols are superficial. Tourism gaze can be considered as a force that helps to build links between tourists and hosts based on different needs. The symbols and marks of Huizhou culture that are considered to be its core seem to be built, strengthened and even rebuilt during the interaction process.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期23-32,共10页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"‘十二五’时期区域文化生态保护与旅游开发跟踪研究"(10CSH018)资助~~
关键词 徽州村落 旅游凝视 游客凝视行为 东道主凝视行为 Huizhou villages tourism gaze the behavior of tourist gaze the behavior of host gaze
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