
基于信息偶遇的移动数字信息搜寻行为调查与导读服务对策研究——以山东省青岛市各类移动数字图书馆用户为例 被引量:12

Mobile Digital Information Search Behavior Investigation Based on Information Eneountering and the Measures Research of Reading Guidance Service — Qingdao City,Shandong Provice as an Example of Various Types of Mobile Digital Library Users
摘要 移动互联网提供了信息高度分散的情境,信息偶遇成为移动互联网用户信息搜寻和信息发现的重要模式。本文基于信息偶遇行为理论进行了移动数字信息搜寻行为满意度的问卷调查和访谈研究。研究表明:移动终端、网络带宽和信息使用成本等环境因素对移动数字信息搜寻行为满意度有明显影响。除此之外,图书馆等信息服务机构可以通过导读服务来改善移动信息搜寻的主观感受和信息搜寻质量。应当坚持以用户为中心的理念,高度重视和大力加强导读平台建设和服务能力提升以优化用户信息偶遇信息的过程,为用户利用偶遇信息提供便捷服务;还要大力推广"互文导读"理念,进一步提升移动数字信息搜寻行为的满意度。 Mobile Internet provides the situation of information fragmented highly. Information encountering has become an important model of mobile internet information search and information discovery. The paper makes a satisfaction questionnaire survey and interview research about mobile digital information search behavior in view of the theory of information encountering. The research shows that: the mobile terminal, the network bandwidth and the information cost have the obvious effect on the satisfaction of mobile digital information search behavior. In addition, the library can improve the mobile reading subjective feelings and information search quality by guiding services. We must adhere to the user-centered idea, and vigorously strengthen the reading guidance platform construction and service ability. It can optimize the process of information encountering. We must provide convenient services for using encounter information, and promote the "intertextual reading" concept. The methods can enhance the mobile digital information search behavior satisfaction.
作者 毛振鹏
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2015年第8期45-50,共6页 Research on Library Science
关键词 信息偶遇 移动数字信息 信息搜寻行为 导读 information encountering mobile digital information information seeking behavior reading guidance
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