
金字塔层级、长期贷款配置与长期贷款使用效率——基于地方国有上市公司的实证研究 被引量:29

Pyramidal Layers, Long-Term Loans Allocation, and Efficiency of Long-term Loans Use : Based on Local Stateowned Listed Companies
摘要 已有文献考察了地方国企发展金字塔结构的动机,但并未关注这种动机发展的金字塔结构对资源配置及资源使用效率的影响。本文以2001-2012年A股主板地方国有上市公司为样本,实证发现在中国国有产权无法直接转让的背景下,金字塔层级因放权而减弱了政府控制,政府对地方国企的"支持之手"和"掠夺之手"均被削弱。具体表现为,地方国企金字塔层级越多,长期贷款相对越少;这种长期贷款的减少程度随着金融市场的发展而降低;但长期贷款使用效率却相对越高。这些结论在考虑了内生性和银行监督、企业贷款需求两种竞争性解释之后仍然成立。进一步研究发现,地方国企金字塔层级降低长期贷款以及提升长期贷款使用效率的影响主要体现在市县级国企中,在省级国企中并不明显。本文以中国国有产权下基于放权的金字塔结构的资源配置为研究对象,丰富了世界范围内金字塔结构的相关研究,其结论对认识中国地方国企金字塔结构和国企改革有参考价值。 Extant literature have already revealed local government's motivation of developing pyramidal layers in state-owned listed firms. However, the efficiency of resource allocation under such shareholding structure has not been tested yet. Under the unique institutional background that China's state-owned shares cannot be directly trade in the stock market, we find that the pyramidal layers inherently reduce the government's controlling power in firms by using the data of Chinese listed firms from the year 2001 to 2012 as our sample. Further, we find the decreasing of such controlling power also results in the effect of both government's "helping-hand" and "grabbing hand" diminishing gradually. Also, We find that the more pyramid layers that firms have, the less long-term loans that SOEs can acquire. Moreover, the decreasing amount of long-term loans in listed firms depends on the development of local financial market where firms located. Also, the result suggests that the long-term loans are used in a more efficient way along with firms' pyramidal layers increasing. Those results are still robust after we consider the endogenous problem. In the further analysis, we find the result dose not hold in non-SOEs, and pyramidal layers can significantly reduce firms' demand for short-term borrowing but increase the capital cost, which rule out alternative explanations such as agency cost hypothesis and loan-demanding explain. Last, in the sub-sample robustness tests, we find the effect that pyramidal layers cast on the amount and the efficiency of long-term loans is primarily constrained in municipal SOEs, rather than provincial SOEs. Overall, our finding contributes to the literature related to the resource allocation efficiency under SOEs' pyramidal layers, provides the solid and robust empirical evidence in China, and enriches the research related to pyramidal structure in the world. From a more practical perspective, our paper forges a better understanding about the local SOEs' pyramidal structures in China and put forward a series of policy suggestions for SOE reform, which may sheds some light on China's ongoing SOE reform activities.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期115-125,共11页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71302181) 四川省社会科学"十二五"规划青年项目(SC14C040)资助
关键词 金字塔层级 长期贷款配置 长期贷款使用效率 Pyramidal Layers Long-Term Loans Allocation Efficiency of Long-Term Loans Use
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