Marlene NourbeSe Philip (1947 - ), a contemporary diasporic Afro-Canadian Caribbean poet- ess, remains a highly self-conscious user of language and chooses to be bilingual and balances between her father tongue (the standard/ imperial/ white/ Christian English ) and her naturally formed mother tongue ( African languages and the Caribbean demotic of English). The Caribbean demotic is both a creol- ized dynamic language following her "kinopoesis" (the poetics of moving and kinetics), which is part of the African aesthetic, and a carnivalesque discourse breaking through the laws and established patterns of standard English censored by grammar and semantics, which reflects Philip' s political aspiration to decon- struct the hegemony of western language and culture. Philip' s poetic strategies, namely bilingualism, cre- olization and kinopoesis, provide her with more freedom and space to break the silence, to establish her own cultural identity, to challenge the conventions of classical western poetic devices and genre patterns, to recreate the Afro-Caribbean people' s own images, myths and history, to expose the inhumanity of profit-driven colonists and the uncontrollability of history, and to add more historical value to her texts.
Shandong Foreign Language Teaching