Financial and Economic Analysis of 75 MW Photovoltaic Project for Jordan
Financial and Economic Analysis of 75 MW Photovoltaic Project for Jordan
Jordan has a good natural potential for solar energy source. To reach at economic practicability of solar energy sources, Jordan needs to accelerate the development of the national photovoltaic projects. The economic and financial analysis of the 75 MW Photovoltaic Project for Jordan is presented in this paper. Comparing analysis considers, seven different scenarios regarding the type of the modules and of the mounting system as well as three different cases to further evaluate the effects of land requirements based on an equivalent installed capacity. Based on the analyzed scenarios, it was found that the project will serve as a "fuel saver", as the energy generated at the Jordan Photovoltaic Project replaces energy generated at the thermal plant with the highest variable costs in the grid. This replacement has it, which avoids the CO2 emissions associated with thermal generation, as the further advantage.
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