介绍了头板铸件的结构及技术要求,并详细阐述其铸造工艺:采用半封闭式浇注系统,各浇道横截面积比为ΣF直:ΣF横:ΣF内=1:2:1.5;选择铸件内部空腔最大截面处作为分型面及浇注位置;在铸件最后凝固的热节处设置4个D=120mm、h=140 mm的冒口,并采用外冷铁。模拟结果显示:由内浇道流出的铁液先沿着型壁向下流动,再逐步自下而上地充满型腔,使充型过程平稳完成,并且将气体由上面的出气孔和冒口排出,不会造成气孔、冲砂、卷气和飞溅等缺陷;通过冒口与冷铁的配合以及铸件的自补缩,避免了缩孔、缩松缺陷的产生,符合技术要求。
The configuration of the head plate casting and its technical requirement were introduced,and its casting method was described in detail as following:using enlarged runner system,the gating ratio was ΣFsprue:ΣFrunner:ΣFingates=1:2:1.5;the parting face was set at place where the largest section of inner cavity existing;setting 4 risers with dimensions of D=120 mm,h=140 mm at the hot spots which solidifying at latest,and using surface denseners. The result of simulation showed:the iron melt flowing out from the ingates flowed downwards along the mould wall at first,and then gradually filled the mould cavity from bottom to top until the mould filling stably to be completed and expelling the gas out through the venting holes and risers to prevent defects such as the blowhole,sand washing,gas trapping and splashing etc;by using risers-feeding plus denseners-chilling and the self-feeding of the casting,the shrinkage cavity and porosity was avoided and as the result the technical requirements were reached completely.
Modern Cast Iron
nodular cast iron
head plate of plastic injecting machine
casting method design