论文分析了电容器过电压阻尼装置的工作原理,详细讨论了最佳阻尼电阻和间隙击穿电压的计算过程。首先论文分析了并联电容器组过电压的产生原因及其影响因素,获得电容器上可能出现最大过电压的条件。在此基础上,阐述了阻尼装置投入运行的条件以及最佳阻尼电阻的确定方法。在获得最佳阻尼电阻值后,建立加装过电压阻尼装置的电路仿真模型,讨论电容器过电压倍数与间隙击穿电压值之间的关系,确定间隙击穿电压范围。依据该设计思想,论文作者设计了一套110k V三相过电压阻尼装置,该装置已运行在吉尔吉斯坦某变电站,现场运行结果表明该三相阻尼装置的确能抑制投切电容器产生的过电压,从而验证了本文设计思想的正确性。
The working principle of a damper which can retrain the overvoltage caused by shunt capacitor is ana- lyzed. The calculation procedure of choosing the optimum resistance and the method of estimating the breakdown voltage of the gap are discussed in detail. Firstly, mechanism of overvohage generation and its influence factors are investigated. Then the requirements, under which the largest overvohage occurs when operating capacitor, are ob- tained. Based on this, the conditions for putting the damper into operation and the method to calculate the best damping resistance are presented. After obtaining the optimum damping resistance value, the simulation of circuit model equipped with optimum damping resistance is built, the relationship between capacitor overvohage times and gap breakdown voltage is calculated, and then we get the breakdown voltage range. According to this designed method, the authors have designed a set of three phase shunt capacitor device for ll0kV power system in one substation in Kyrgyzstan, and the field operation shows that this damper has significant function on suppressing overvoltage of shunt capacitor device, proving that the design is valid.
Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy