

Discourse Missing in Translation of Children's Literature in the Postcolonial Context——Take Mrs.Piggle-Wiggle as an Example
摘要 全球范围内儿童文学研究稳步上升,呈现出多样化的研究态势,但国内儿童文学研究界和翻译学界对儿童文学翻译的关注仍旧不多,由于双重边缘性地位,儿童文学翻译所呈现的话语与他者失落尤为明显。以后殖民理论为平台,对儿童文学翻译中译者主体权力进行投射分析,有助于揭示某些文化优越其他文化的潜在概念,复原民族语言的活力,实现异域文化异质语言的"众声喧哗"。 Study of children' s literature all over the world rises steadily, showing a trend of diversification. However, the research circle of the domestic children' s literature and translation paid little attention to translation of children' s lit- erature. Because of the double marginal status, discourse missing in children' s literature translation is particularly obvi- ous. Based on the platform of the postcolonial theory, the paper made a projective analysis of the subjectivity of the trans- lator which will help to reveal some ctrltural superiority to other cultures, restore the nation' s linguistic vitality and achie- ve different voices of the exotic culture and the heterogeneous language.
作者 孔雁
出处 《连云港职业技术学院学报》 2015年第1期89-92,共4页 Journal of Lianyungang Technical College
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目(2013SJD740015)
关键词 儿童文学翻译 后殖民理论 话语失落 《小猪摇摆夫人》 translation of children s literature post - colonial theory discourse missing Mrs. Piggle - Wiggle
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