

The Structure of Residential Increasing Block Water Tariffs and Policy Effects
摘要 以两级阶梯的递增阶梯价格结构为例,探讨水量和水价等结构变量与政策效应之间的关系,以及居民阶梯水价政策的实施对居民水费支出的影响。研究发现,阶梯水量与阶梯水价共同对政策效应产生影响,居民水费支出的变动幅度取决于消费者的需求强度,这对于居民阶梯水价政策的进一步完善有一定的意义。 This article takes the price structure of two-levels as a case study to analyze the relationship between the threshold or price of the tariff and IBTs'policy effects,in which residents'expenditure on water is also discussed .It shows that both the threshold and price affect the policy effects,and the volatility of residents'expenditure on water depends on the demand intensity of consumers.
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2015年第3期87-94,共8页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目<中国城市公用事业政府监管体系创新研究>(12&ZD211) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目<寡头三级价格歧视竞争效应与反垄断审查机制研究>(14YJA790051)
关键词 居民阶梯水价 价格结构 政策效应 residential increasing block water tariffs structure of tariff policy effects
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