
“可控性解禁”:美国在日本解禁集体自卫权问题上的政策评析 被引量:1

An Analysis of U.S.Policy toward Japan's Lifting the Ban on “Collective Selfdefense”
摘要 经过长期的社会动员和舆论准备,安倍政府终于在2014年解禁了日本的集体自卫权。在此过程中,美国发挥了重要作用。奥巴马政府上台初期,出于各种考虑没有在这一议题上对日公开表达支持。但进入2014年后,随着美国"亚太再平衡"战略对解禁需求的增加,以及出于进一步平衡中国的考虑,美国改变态度,正式对解禁表示欢迎和支持。但鉴于美日之间在解禁的基本目标和实施细则方面尚存在分歧,美国对日本解禁的支持是有条件的,试图使其成为一种"可控性解禁",即日本解禁的方向和程度必须处于美国可控的状态下,既最大限度提升解禁对美国利益的促进,又努力降低其可能带来的风险。 After a long period of social mobilization and public opinion preparation,the Abe cabinet eventually lifted the ban on Japan's right of exercising 'collective self-defense'in 2014.As Japan's ally,the U.S.has playedan important role in this development.When President Obama came to power,the U.S.government didn't openly express support for Japan's move out of a variety of concerns.Since the beginning of 2014,however,the U.S.has changed its former cautious position and officially announced supporting Japan's lifting the ban.This is because of its 'strategic rebalance'consideration and the need to further curb China's rise.However,there are still differences between the U.S.and Japan over the fundamental goal and the concrete implementation of the ban.Instead of unconditionally supporting Japan's move,the U.S.wants the lift to be a 'controllable process',which means the extent of the lift must be under U.S.control,so that it can fully meet U.S.interest and avoid any possible risk.So,the Obama administration's policy can be characterized as 'supporting in principle and keeping cautious in operation'.
作者 刘卫东
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期28-35,60,共9页
关键词 集体自卫权 解禁 美日同盟 大国关系 Right of collective self-defense,lifting ban,U.S.-Japan alliance,controllability
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