
欧元区当前的经济困境及未来趋势 被引量:1

Current Economic Difficulties in the Eurozone and Future Prospects
摘要 当前,欧元区正遭遇低通胀与低增长的经济困境,特别是希腊问题凸显紧张氛围,使外界质疑欧元区恐难以为继。欧盟与欧元区成员国采取了多重应对举措,虽然难以使欧元区彻底摆脱困境,但亦有积极效果,至少欧元危机暂时得以平息。从未来趋势上看,欧元区由于自身缺陷难以根除,未来还会不可避免遇到这样或那样的问题,但仍将继续在困难中前行,而这正是欧洲一体化的必然逻辑。 Currently,the eurozone is facing serious economic difficulties of low inflation and low growth,especially the Greek issue is highlighting a tense atmosphere,causing the outsiders doubting whether the eurozone will be sustainable.The European Union and the eurozone member states have taken multiple countermeasures to solve the difficulties.Although it is difficult for them to completely get rid of the plight of the eurozone,they have produced some positive effects.At least the euro crisis has temporarily subsided.As it is difficult for the eurozone to eradicate its inherent defects,it will inevitably encounter various problems and difficulties in the future.But the eurozone will continue to develop among the difficulties,and this is the law of the European integration.
作者 王朔
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期51-57,62,共7页
关键词 欧元区 经济困境 欧版“量宽” Eurozone,economic difficulties,the European version of 'quantitative easing'
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