
企业位构与创新类型:网络特征调节下的分析 被引量:3

Enterprise Construction and Innovation Types: The Moderating Effects of Network Characteristic
摘要 基于467家企业及其相应网络组成的样本,采用逻辑回归研究企业的网络中心性和研发结构与创新类型的关系,并探讨企业所在网络密度和联结强度对两者关系的调节作用。结果显示:具有更高网络中心性和具有中心式研发结构的企业倾向于进行探索式创新,具有较低网络中心性和具有分布式研发结构的企业则进行利用式创新;网络密度负向调节企业的网络中心性和探索式创新的关系,正向调节企业的网络中心性和利用式创新的关系;联结强度正向调节企业的网络中心性和探索式创新的关系,负向调节企业的网络中心性和利用式创新的关系;网络密度和联结强度负向调节中心式研发结构和探索式创新的关系,正向调节分布式研发结构和利用式创新的关系。 Using a sample of 467 Chinese enterprises and their corresponding network, this article applies the Lo- gistic regression to analyze the relationship among the network centrality of enterprise, R&D process structure and innovation types, whereby to analyze the moderating effects of network density and tie strength on the relation- ship between the two. The results show that: (1) A enterprise with higher network centrality and centralized R&D process structure tends to carry out exploration innovation, a enterprise with lower network centrality and decentra- lized R&D process structure tends to carry out exploitation innovation; (2) Network density negatively moderate the relationship between network centrality of enterprise and exploration innovation, positively moderate the relation- ship between network centrality of enterprise and exploitation innovation; (3) Tie strength positively moderate the relationship between network centrality of enterprise and exploration innovation, negatively moderate the relation- ship between network centrality of enterprise and exploitation innovation; (4) Network density and tie strength nega- tively moderate the relationship between centralized R&D structure and exploration innovation, positively moderate the relationship between decentralized R&D process structure and exploitation innovation.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期115-125,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71172200) 国家社会科学基金项目(13XGL004) 陕西省教育厅科学研究计划项目(11JK0165) 陕西省重点学科建设专项
关键词 企业网络中心性 研发结构 创新类型 网络密度 联结强度 network centrality of enterprise R&D process structure innovation types network density tie strength
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