
2014年番禺区登革热疫情分析及防控 被引量:6

Analysis and prevention control of dengue epidemic situation in Panyu district in 2014
摘要 目的:分析2014年广州市番禺区的登革热疫情现状及流行特征,通过对登革热的防控,探索适宜的防控对策。方法对番禺区2014年9~11月的登革热疫情进行检测分析,开展健康教育、环境治疗、清除无用积水和减少媒介等爱国卫生活动,并加强监督工作;同时开展“以蚊治蚊”技术阻断登革热传播。结果截止2014年11月7日,广州市番禺区总共报告登革热病例3454例,发病高峰为9月下旬~10月上旬,前6位的镇街为洛浦街、南村镇、大石街、小谷围街、市桥街、钟村街,布雷指数最高达23。经过政府、医院、社区卫生服务中心等各部门的积极防控,登革热患病率的增长率逐渐下降,而布雷指数持续下降,至2014年11月7日本区的布雷指数为0.62,达到了安全水平。结论广州市番禺区存在登革热流行的基本条件,疫情存在着明显的季节性、地方性、人群对登革热普遍易感等特征。政府、医院、社区等部门应给予高度支持,并对各部门的工作加强监督工作,做到早发现、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗,并及早开展防治伊蚊、消灭伊蚊等阻断技术。通过有效的防控,本区疫情得到控制,番禺区登革热防控经验值得借鉴。 Objective To analyze the current epidemic situation and epidemiological characteristics of dengue in panyu of Guangzhou city district in 2014 alming at exploring the appropriate prevention and control strategies through dengue prevention and control. Methods Epidemic situations of dengue from September 2014 to November in Panyu district were detected and examined.Patriotic health activities of health education,environmental treatment,clearing away useless ponding and reducing vehicle,strengthening supervision and technique of mosquito to mosquito were applied to block transmission of dengue. Results By the end of November 7th 2014,3454 dengue cases were reported in Panyu district of Guangzhou city.The peak period of dengue attack was between the last ten-day of September and the first ten-day of October.The top six places were Luopu street,Nancun town,Dashi street,Xiaoguwei street,Shiqiao street and Zhongcun street.The maximum of Breteau index reached 23.Through positive prevention and control of government,hospitals and community health service centers,the growth rate of morbidity due to dengue gradually decreased as well as Breteau in-dex.Till November 7th 2014,the Breteau index in our district was 0.62 meeting the safety level. Conclusion Basic con-ditions of dengue prevalence in Panyu district of Guangzhou city are existent at the characteristics of obvious seasonali-ty,endemicity,and susceptibility.Government,hospital and community should give great support and supervision,and the work of all departments should be strengthened in order to take the key measures of early detection,early diagnosis,ear-ly isolation and early treatment on prevention and control of dengue.In addition,blocking techniques of preventing and eliminating aedes should be implemented as soon as possible.By effective prevention and control measures,the epidemic situation has been controlled.The experience of dengue prevention and control in Panyu district is worthy of using for reference.
作者 吴雪媚
出处 《中国当代医药》 2015年第12期158-161,共4页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 登革热 疫情 分析 防控 番禺区 Dengue Epidemic situation Analysis Prevention and control Panyu district
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