There are many types of fieldbus today, but they have not formed a uniform standard, which brings a lot of in- convenience to the interconnection of different vendor's equipments. In view of this situation, this paper designs and immplements Profibus-DP/Modbus protocol convertion module, through this module we can connect the modbus equip- ment to the profihus fieldhus system seamless. The module with S3C2440A as the core, adopt the hardware design of "MCU+ AS/C" to ensure the realiahlity of transmission,at the same time, electrical isolation improve the ability of system anti-interference; Meanwhile,in program design, through a series of methods to ensure tile realtime communition, thus as signle buffering technology. Experiments show that the module has a good real-time performanee,realiablity and interfer- ence immunity,it with further reaserarch and promotion of value.
Software Guide