
穗深企业员工职业倦怠与睡眠、疲劳及精神健康状况的比较及相关性分析 被引量:4

Comparison and correlation analysis between the status of job burnoutandslee status in working population of two enterprises in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, fatigue andmental health status in working population of two enterprises in Guangzhou and Shenzhen
摘要 目的:研究广州市和深圳市两家企业员工的职业倦怠、睡眠、疲劳和精神健康状况及其相关性。方法采用Pines的倦怠问卷(Burnout Measure ,BM)、阿森斯失眠量表(Athens Insomnia Scale , AIS-8)、增补后的一般健康问卷12项(GHQ12)、疲劳评定量表(Fatigue Assessment Instrument ,FAI)等工具,对广州市和深圳市两家企业在职工作人群进行同期调查,并进行比较和相关性分析。结果共发出问卷480份,收回有效问卷454份,其中广州收回260份,深圳收回194份。两组人群的年龄、性别等人口学资料构成上差异无统计学意义( P >0.05)。BM 结果显示两家企业员工的倦怠水平均较高,深圳员工动机丧失因子分显著高于广州员工(P <0.01)。AIS结果显示两家企业多数员工均有明确失眠问题,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),广州员工白天症状更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。FAI结果显示广州员工的疲劳严重程度因子分明显高于深圳员工,但深圳员工疲劳对休息和睡眠的反应因子分明显高于广州员工,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。GHQ12结果显示广州员工总分为(2.59±2.63),深圳员工总分为(2.41±2.46),差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);两家企业员工的中、高危人群比例均高于一般人群。相关分析结果发现两家企业员工中,倦怠总分及耗竭因子、士气消沉因子得分与AIS各项指标、GHQ总分均呈正相关(P<0.01),但两家企业员工倦怠与FAI部分因子的相关性存在不同结果。结论总体评价上,穗深两地两家企业员工的倦怠、睡眠、疲劳和精神健康问题都非常明显,且密切相关,应引起重视,但两家企业员工的主要问题及相关因素不尽相同,为今后制定靶性干预策略提供依据。 Objective To explore the correlation between job burnout ,sleep problems ,fatigue and mental health status in working population of enterprises in Guangzhou and Shenzhen .Methods Adopting abattery of questionnaires ,including Burnout Questionnaire(Burnout Measure ,BM ) ,Athens Insomnia Scale(AIS-8) ,the General Health Questionnaire(GHQ12) ,and Fatigue Rating Scale( Fatigue Assessment Instrument ,FAI) ,to investigate ,compare and correlation analysis the working groups for the same period in Guangzhou and Shenzhen .Results 480 questionnaires were issued ,454 effective questionnaires were taken back ,of which Guangzhou 260 ,Shenzhen 194 copies .Two groups of age ,gender and other demographic data constituting ,the difference was not statistically significant (P〉 0 .05) .BM results showed that the two enterprise staffs'burnout levels were higher ,Shenzhen staffs'Motivation loss factor points were higher than Guangzhou staffs (P〈 0 .01) .AIS results showed that most staffs of the two companies had insomnia problem ,the difference was not statistically significant (P 〉 0 .05) , Guangzhou employees'symptom were more apparent during the day ,the difference was statistically significant (P 〈 0 .05) .FAI results showed that Guangzhou staffs'fatigue severity factor scores were significantly higher than that in Shenzhen employees ,but Shenzhen employees fatigue reaction to rest and sleep factor points were obviously higher than those of Guangzhou employees ,the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0 .05) .GHQ12 results showed that Guangzhou staffs'total score was 2 .59 ± 2 .63 ,Shenzhen staffs'total score was 2 .41 ± 2 .46 ,there was no statistically significant difference (P〉0 .05);The proportion of high-risk groups in the two enterprise employees were higher than the general population .Correlation analysis results found that the two employees ,burnout score ,depletion factor and demoralized factor score had a positive correlation with AIS indicators and GHQ scores (P〈 0 .01) , but the correlation between burnout and part of FAI factors in the two enterprise employees ,there were different results .Conclusions On the overall evaluation ,burnout ,sleep ,fatigue and mental health problems are very obvious and closely related in both two enterprise employees in Guangzhou and Shenzhen ,should be taken into consideration seriously ,but the main problem of two employees and related factors are not the same , providing the basis for the future development of the target intervention strategies .
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2015年第2期122-125,共4页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
关键词 职业倦怠 睡眠 疲劳 精神健康 Job burnout Sleep Fatigue Mental health
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