
无锡市居民骨质疏松影响因素分析 被引量:10

Influencing factors of osteoporosis among residents in Wuxi city
摘要 目的了解无锡市居民骨质疏松患病情况及影响因素,为制定防治骨质疏松疾病措施和政策提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取江苏省无锡市65 016名年龄≥18岁的常住居民进行骨质疏松患病情况调查,探讨骨质疏松的影响因素。结果多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,女性骨质疏松患病的危险是男性的2.13倍,以年龄〈20岁为参照组,年龄50岁~、60岁~、70岁~、80岁~、≥90岁患骨质疏松病的危险性分别为5.14、10.99、14.02、18.77、18.83倍;办事人员较机关/党群组织/企事业负责人易患骨质疏松症(OR=1.35);睡眠质量一般(OR=1.21)与睡眠质量差者(OR=1.39)较睡眠质量好者易患骨质疏松;生活紧张度一般(OR=1.33)与紧张者(OR=1.45)较生活轻松者易患骨质疏松症;职业性体力活动轻度(OR=1.14)与中度者(OR=1.32)较不太活动者易患骨质疏松;腰围大(OR=1.02)、饮酒(OR=1.76)、糖尿病(OR=1.20)、慢性肾炎(OR=3.54)、慢性肝炎(OR=4.41)、甲亢(OR=4.25)为骨质疏松患病的危险因素;体质指数高(OR=0.98)为骨质疏松的保护因素;体育锻炼1~2次/周(OR=0.79)、3~5次/周(OR=0.83)为骨质疏松患病的保护因素,≥6次/周(OR=1.20)为危险因素;每天食用蔬菜量为0.25~0.49 kg(OR=1.35)、〈0.25 kg(OR=1.84)较≥0.5 kg易患骨质疏松,多吃蔬菜为保护因素。结论养成健康的饮食生活习惯、提倡适度运动、保持轻松愉悦的生活,并针对重点人群进行健康监护和治疗,是降低和预防骨质疏松的有效方法之一。 Objective To examine the prevalence of osteoporosis and its influencing factors among the residents in Wuxi city for making efficient measures and policies to prevent the disease. Methods A total of 65 016 community residents aged≥ 18 years were selected with stratified cluster random sampling and investigated with a questionnaire on health status and chronic disease in Wuxi city. SPSS softw are was used in data analyses. Results The results of multivariate logistic regression analyses show ed that the prevalence of osteoporosis in the residents was associated with gender( with the odds ratio[OR]of 2. 13 for the female compared to the male),age( with the ORs of 5. 13,10. 99,14. 02,18. 83,and 18. 87 for the of residents aged 50- 59,60- 69,70- 79,80- 89 and ≥90 years compared to those of aged less than 20 years),occupation( with the OR of 1. 35 for office workers compared with governmental or organizational staff and enterprise managers),sleep quality( with the ORs of 1. 21 and 1. 39 for the residents with general and poor quality sleep compared to those with good quality sleep quality),daily life stress( with the ORs of 1. 33 and 1. 45 for the residents having moderate and severe daily life stress compared to those having no daily life stress),and occupational physical labor( with the ORs of 1. 14 and 1. 32 for the residents having light and moderate occupational physical labor compared with those having occupational physical labor seldomly); the results also revealed that the risk factors included high w aist circumstance( OR = 1. 14),high body mass index( OR = 1. 32),alcohol drinking( OR = 1. 02),vigorous physical exercise( OR = 1. 20 for having physical exercise 6 times a week or more compared to less than 1 time a week),consuming less amount of vegetables( OR = 1. 35 and 1. 84 for consuming vegetables 〈0. 25 kg and〉 0. 25 kg but 〈0. 5 kg compared to consuming vegetables 〉0. 5 kg),diabetes( OR = 1. 20),chronic nephritis( OR = 3. 54),chronic hepatitis( OR = 4. 41),and hyperthyroidism( OR = 4. 25) and the protective factors included light to moderate physical exercise( OR = 0. 79 and 0. 83 for the physical exercise of 1- 2 and 3- 5 times / week compared to 〈1 time /week). Conclusion Having healthy life style,light or moderate physical exercise,and decreasing daily life stress are helpful to the prevention of osteoporosis among community residents in Wuxi city.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期545-549,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 国家自然科学基金(81202261)
关键词 骨质疏松 LOGISTIC回归分析 影响因素 osteoporosis logistic regression influence factor
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