

Research on Relationship Between the Government and the Market Problem in Social Security
摘要 由于资源的稀缺性,处在公共领域的资源,必然是人们争夺的对象,而社会保障正是这样一种公共资源。在这样的社会背景下,面对政府失灵和市场失灵的情况,政府和市场之间的关系如何进行平衡,这既不是此消彼长的问题也不是输赢的问题。而是政府和市场如何能共同发挥作用使得在公共管理问题,尤其是社会保障问题中二者的效益能够实现最大化。文章将就政府与市场的边界问题,以及由无限政府向有限政府发展过程中政府的权利通过何种形式受到限制,最终使我们的政府走向高效服务型政府之路等问题进行探讨。 Determined by the scarcity of resources, resources in the public domain, which is necessarily people compete for objects, so- cial security is such a kind of resources. In such a social background, in the face of government failure and market failure, how to bal- ance the relationship between government and market, it is neither a reciprocal problems are not winning or losing . But how can the government and market play a role in the public management problems, especially social security problems in both maximize benefits can be achieved. This article will discuss the boundary problem of the government and the market, as well as in the development of the government from unlimited to limited, government' s rights is restricted through what approach, eventually make our government to the efficient path of a service - oriented government.
作者 白清睿
机构地区 广西大学
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2015年第2期93-96,共4页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
关键词 社会保障 政府 市场 无限政府 小政府 social security government market unlimited government small government
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