
人权保护对国际民商事判决承认与执行的影响——以《欧洲人权公约》之适用为中心 被引量:10

Impact of Human Rights' Protection on Recognition and Enforcement of International Civil Judgments:Focusing Application of European Convention on Human Rights
摘要 作为国际私法制度的重要组成部分,国际民商事判决的承认与执行机制在便利国际民商事交往与稳定国际民事秩序方面,发挥着重要作用。为促进欧盟市场的一体化及有效运作,《布鲁塞尔条例Ⅰ》将确立欧盟内民商事判决承认与执行的自由流动机制,作为其最高目标。《布鲁塞尔条例Ⅰ》也因此已成为欧盟内部市场有效运作的重要保障。但欧盟内民商事判决并非完全是"自由流动"的。欧洲人权法院的实践表明,《欧洲人权公约》中相关程序性与实体性人权保护规则,会对欧盟内判决的承认与执行产生直接影响。因而,如何协调欧盟市场一体化之保障与基本人权之保护之间的冲突,在民商事判决的自由流动与基本人权的保护之间取得适当平衡,已成为欧盟国际私法上不可回避之课题。 As an important component of private international law, the recognition and enforcement of international civil judgments plays an important role in facilitating the international civil exchanges and stabilizing the international civil order. As an institutional guarantee for the effective functioning of the EU's internal market, the regime of the recognition and enforce- ment of judgments which based on Brussels I Regulation has placed the goal of free movement of judgments at the highest posi- tion. However, the movement of judgments is not absolutely free in EU. The practices of ECtHR have demonstrated that the member states should examine the judgments originating from other countries according to the relevant rules in ECHR in con- sideration of protecting the parties' human rights in international civil judgments. As a result, the relevant procedural and sub- stantive provisions for protection of human rights which stipulated in ECHR have a direct impact on recognition and enforce- ment of judgments within the EU. Therefore, how to deal with the conflicts between the security of integration of EU's inter- nal market and the protection of human rights, and further to achieve a proper balance between the free movement of judg- ments and the protection of fundamental human rights, which has become an unavoidable subject in EU private international law.
作者 刘仁山
出处 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期10-19,共10页 Law Review
基金 2014年度国家社科基金重大项目"中国涉外民事关系法体系完善研究"(项目批准号:14ZDC032) 2011年度国家社科基金重点项目"<涉外民事关系法律适用法>实施问题研究"(项目批准号:11AFX016)阶段性成果之一 霍英东基金会"第九届高等院校青年教师科研奖"项目"国际民商管辖权立法问题研究"(项目号:91093)的资助
关键词 判决的承认与执行 基本人权“布鲁塞尔机制”《欧洲人权公约》 Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments Fundamental Human Rights Brussels System European Con-vention on Human Rights
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  • 1See G. Weiek, Human Rights and Private International Law, in J. MaeEldowney G. Weick (eds.), Human Rights in Transition, Frankfurt am Main, 2003, pp. 193--200.
  • 2刘仁山.国际民商事判决承认与执行中的司法礼让原则——对英国与加拿大相关理论及实践的考察[J].中国法学,2010(5):63-75. 被引量:13
  • 3Article 39 of Regulation < EU >No.1215 /2012 of the European Par- liament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters < Recast>.
  • 4Jan--Jaap Kuipers, The Right to a Fair Trial and the Free Movement of Civil Judgments, 6 Croatian Yearbook of Eu- ropean Law & Policy 32 (2010).
  • 5See Horatia Muir Watt, Fundamental Rights and Recognition in Private International Law, 13 European Journal of Human Rights 411--435 (2013).
  • 6Dean Spielmann, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judicial Decisions Requirements Under the European Convention on Human Rights: An Overview, 1 Cyprus Human Rights Law Review 4--24 (2012).
  • 7See Trevor C. Hartley, The European Union and the Systematic Dismantling of the Common Law of Conflict of Laws, 54 Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 813, 813-821 (2005).
  • 8Ralf Miehaels, The New European Choice--of--Law Revolution, 82 Tul. L. Rev. 1607 (2008).
  • 9B. Hess, T. Pfeiffer & P. Schlosser, Report on the Application of Regulation Brussels I in the Member States (Study JLS/C4/2005/03 Heidelberg Report), para. 559.
  • 10Krombach v. Bamberski, Case C--7/98 1-2000] ECR I--1395; Marco Gambazzi v. Daimler Chrysler Canada Inc., Case C--394/07 [2009] ECR 1--2563.


  • 1台湾地区“最高法院”二○○七年度台上字第二五三一号判决.
  • 2二○○八年度台上字第二三七六号判决.
  • 3台湾“民事诉讼法”第402条、第74条规定.
  • 4J. H.C. Morris, Conflict of Laws, Stevens and Sons, 3rd ed. , 1984, p. 505.
  • 5Cheshire and North's Private International Law, London Butterworths, 11th ed. , 1987, p. 338.
  • 6J. H.C. Morris, Conflict of Laws, Stevens and Sons, 3rd ed. , 1984, p. 106.
  • 7J. Fawcett ed. , Reform and Development of Private International Law, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 94 - 95.
  • 8Schibsby v.Westenholz(1870)LR6 QB 155 at 159.
  • 9Emanuel v. Symon( 1908), 1 K. B. 302 ( C. A. ).
  • 10J. H. C. Morris, the Conflict of Laws, Stevens & Sons, 3rd ed., 1984, p. 110.











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