The Impact of Previous LMX Relationship on Current LMX Relationship: A Social Cognitive Model of Transference
The Impact of Previous LMX Relationship on Current LMX Relationship: A Social Cognitive Model of Transference
Based on the social-cognitive model of transference, this paper discusses the transference effect of the leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship between the follower and the previous leader. The results show that the LMX between follower and the previous leader influences the follower's LMX with the current leader. The study identifies two moderators: both the traits difference between the previous leader and the current leader and the follower's individual transition resistance negatively moderate the main effect between the previous LMX and the current LMX.
Based on the social-cognitive model of transference, this paper discusses the transference effect of the leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship between the follower and the previous leader. The results show that the LMX between follower and the previous leader influences the follower's LMX with the current leader. The study identifies two moderators: both the traits difference between the previous leader and the current leader and the follower's individual transition resistance negatively moderate the main effect between the previous LMX and the current LMX.
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