
从D-二聚体检测体系的变更谈检验与临床沟通 被引量:4

Discussion on the communication between clinicians and laboratory for the change of D-dimer detection system
摘要 本文从检测体系变更实例出发阐述实验室如何与临床做到有效的沟通。在D-二聚体检测体系的变更过程中,通过四个阶段的分步工作做到了平稳过渡。第一阶段:在更换新试剂之前,平行检测2种试剂体系间结果的相关性,从检验方法学角度分析数据;第二阶段:以临床沟通会的形式召集相关临床科室的医生,汇报前期实验数据,并在此基础上听取临床医生的意见和建议;第三阶段:根据临床需求和建议,进一步进行相应实验,并及时反馈给临床医生;第四阶段:在得到临床医生的认可后开始更换试剂,并在更换试剂后及时交流和反馈。通过以上工作,检验科顺利完成了D-二聚体检测体系的变更,消除了可能存在的医疗隐患。 This paper introduces how to achieve an efficient communication between clinical laboratory and clinicians .During this procedure of D-dimer detection system transition , four-stage work has been addressed to ensure a sufficient and smooth communication .In the first stage, the comparison evaluation between 2 reagent systems is performed, and the results were analyzed in the view of methodology .In the second stage, a clinical communication meeting is held , and the related cliaicians are invited .The evaluation results are reported to the clinicians , and the clinicians′feedback and suggestions are collected .In the third stage , more tests are performed according to clinicians′demands and suggestions .All the actions and results are feedback to clinicians .In the final stage , confirmed by the clinicians, we change the reagent system and set a dedicate person to answer the questions and keep communication with clinicians.By means of these four-stage works, the old D-dimer reagent system is changed smoothly in our laboratory . The potential risk of medical misdiagnosis is eliminated .
作者 崔巍 郭野
出处 《检验医学》 CAS 2015年第4期311-313,共3页 Laboratory Medicine
关键词 检验医学 临床沟通 D-二聚体 Laboratory medicine Clinical communication D-dimer
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