
急诊科护士自我效能感与护理服务质量的相关性分析 被引量:12

Correlation between self-efficacy and quality of nursing service in emergency nurses
摘要 目的了解急诊科护士自我效能感及护理服务质量的现状,探究自我效能感与护理服务质量之间的关系。方法采用自我效能感量表(GSES)和Servqual量表对兰州市3所三甲医院的110名急诊科护士和110例住院患者进行调查。结果急诊科护士自我效能显著低于普通人群(P<0.05);患者对护理服务质量的响应性、可靠性期望值最高(分别为4.18、4.14分);对可靠性、保证性的感知得分最高(分别为3.86、3.75分);护理服务质量得分从高至低为有形性、可靠性、移情性、保证性、响应性及费用可接受性(分别为-0.26±0.30、-0.28±0.41、-0.32±0.34、-0.33±0.56、-0.36±0.22和-0.46±0.39);自我效能感与护理服务质量响应性、移情性、可靠性和保证性4维度存在显著正相关(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论急诊科护士自我效能感偏低,患者对护理服务质量响应性、移情性的真实感受明显不符合其期望,医院应采取措施提高护理人员自我效能感,进而提升护理服务的响应性及移情性,从而提高医院的质量管理水平。 Objective To describe current status of self-efficacy and quality of nursing service in emergency nurses and to explore the relationship between them. Methods One hundred and ten emergency nurses were selected from 3 tertiary hospitals in Lanzhou and were asked to fill out the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES). A total of 110 patients receiving care from these nurses completed the Servqual Inventory. Results Self-efficacy of emergency nurses was significantly lower than the norm (P〈0.05). Patients' expectation of responsiveness scored the highest (4. 18 points), followed by reliability (4. 14 points). The top two ranked perceptions were reliability and assurance, with the scores being 3.86 and 3.75 respectively. The scores of nursing quality listed in descending order were tangibles, reliability, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and acceptance of treatment charge ( - 0. 26 ± 0. 30, -0.28±0.41,-0.32±0.34,-0.33±0.56,-0.36±0.22,-0.46±0.39). Self efficacy of emergency nurses was positivelycor related with some subscales of nursing quality such as reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy (P〈0.05, P〈0.01). Conclusion Self-efficacy of emergency nurses is somewhat at low level. Patients' perceptions of responsiveness and acceptance of treatment charge do not meet their expectations. Hospital managers should improve self-efficacy of nurses to prmomte responsiveness of nursing care, thus to improve management level.
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 2015年第8期61-64,共4页
基金 甘肃省兰州市科技计划项目(2012-1-32) 兰州大学第二医院护理研究项目(YJhl2013-02)
关键词 急诊科 护士 自我效能感 SERVQUAL量表 护理服务质量 相关性 emergency department nurses self-efficacy Servqual Inventory quality of nursing service correlation
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