[目的]观察中药人工月经周期法治疗卵巢早衰疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将60例门诊患者按就诊顺序编号方法简单随机分为两组。对照组30例六味地黄丸(北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司),1丸/次,2次/d,口服。治疗组30例中药人工周期法:月经后期(卵泡期,相当月经周期第4~14d)六味地黄汤或养精种玉汤、左归饮等配合五子衍宗丸,月经间期(排卵期,相当月经周期第14~16d)促排卵汤(当归、香附、木香、赤芍、乌药、丹参、桃仁、红花、菟丝子、肉苁蓉、淫羊藿等),月经前期(黄体期,相当于月经周期第17~25d促黄体汤(熟地、山药、山萸肉、茯苓、菟丝子、枸杞子、鹿角霜、淫羊藿、当归、白芍、香附、艾叶等)或右归丸;月经期(月经周期第1~4d)活血调经汤(当归、川芎、香附、泽兰、丹参、赤芍等)加减,水煎300m L;无特殊不适症状,可以不予治疗;血瘀并发为"痛经"加隔下逐瘀汤加减;气滞血行不畅发为"经行乳房胀痛"加逍遥散;肝郁化火并发为"经行头痛"加羚羊钩藤汤;脾肾气虚,水湿内蕴,泛滥肌肤,并发为"经行浮肿"加苓桂术甘汤。连续治疗6个月为1疗程。观测临床症状、月经量、月经色、月经周期、伴随症状、FSH、E2不良反应。连续治疗6个月1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组痊愈2例,显效8例,有效11例,无效7例,总有效率80.00%。对照组痊愈0例,显效2例,有效10例,无效18例,总有效率40.00%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P〈0.05)。生化指标、月经变化改善治疗组治疗组优于对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]中药人工月经周期法治疗卵巢早衰,疗效满意,无不良反应,值得推广。
[Objective] To observe the Chinese traditional medicine and artificial menstrual cycle in women with premature ovarian failure effect. [Method] Uusing random parallel control method, 60 outpatients visiting sequencenumber according to the method of simple random divided into two groups. 30 cases of the control group of Six Ingredient Rehmannia Pill (Beijing Tongrentang technology development Limited by Share Ltd), 1 pills per time, 2 times/d, oral. Treatment group 30 eases of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) artificial cycle method: menstruation late (follicular phase, a menstrual cycle 4-14 d) 6 flavour glutinous rehmannia soup or a fine kind of jade, left to drink soup with five yen zong pill, such as between menstrual period (ovulation, quite 14-16 d) during the menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation decoction (angelica, incense, radix aucklandiae, radix paeoniae rubra, radix linderae, salvia mihiorrhiza, peach kernel, safflower, dodder, desertliving cistanche, epimedium, etc.), menstrual early days (luteal phase, the equivalent of the menstrual cycle. 17-25 d luteinizing soup (prepared rhizome of rehmannia, yam, cornus, poria cocos, dodder, medlar, cornu cervi, epimedium, angelica, radix paeoniae alha, incense, folium artemisiae argyi, etc.) or the right to pill; menstrual period (1-4 d) during the menstrual cycle and invigorate the circulation of regulate the menstrual function soup (angelica sinensis, rhizome ligustici wallichii, perfume, ze LAN, salvia miltiorrhiza and radix paeoniae rubra, etc.) attached to add and subtract, 300 ml water decoction; no special symptoms, can not be treatment; blood stasis concurrent as V'dysmenorrhea/" added between the line by stasis tonga subtraction; and poor blood line for /"the breast tenderness/" plus free and unfettered; liver depression is changed, and hair as /"the headache/" plus the antelope uncaria soup; spleen and kidney deficiency, wet embodiment, flood skin, concurrent for /"the swelling/" plus three guangxi sweet soup. Continuous treatment of 6 months to 1 course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms of menstruation, menstruation, menstrual cycle, color, accompanied by symptoms of adverse reactions, FSH, E2. 6 months of continuous treatment of 1 course of treatment, curative effect. [Results]The treatment group cured 2 cases, markedly effective in 8 cases, effective 11 cases, invalid 7 cases, the total efficiency of 80%. The control group 0 cases were cured, 2 cases markedly effective, effective 10 cases, invalid 18 cases, the total efficiency of 40%. The efficacy of the treatment group was better than that of the control group (P〈0.05). Biochemical indicators, menstrual changes in treatment group improved in treatment group than in control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine [Conclusion] Artificial menstrual cycle method in the treatment of premature ovarian failure, satisfaction, no adverse reaction, is worth promoting.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
premature ovarian failure
traditional Chinese medicine artificial menstrual cycle
the sixtastes glutinous rehmannia pill
study of yangjingzhongyu Decoction
HuoxueTiaojing soup
antelope Uncaria Decoction
random parallel controlled study