
反思性实践的认识论:教学设计实践审视与教学设计人员成长的新视角 被引量:14

The Epistemology of Reflective Practice: A New Perspective to Reconsider the Practice of Instructional Design and The Development of Instructional Designers
摘要 "反思性实践"是一种对学术与实践间的关系重新进行审视与评估的新的"实践认识论"。它有两个基本观点:一个是"在行动中认识",一个是"在行动中反思"。该文从反思性实践的认识论出发,对教学设计实践进行了审视,对教学设计人员的培养进行了反思。笔者认为教学设计解决的是复杂教学情境中的非良构问题,这决定了在设计教学的"行动"中对非良构问题的"认识"必将如影随形。以此为基础,在设计过程中与设计及教学情境展开的反思性对话,以及对问题建构、行动策略或现象模型进行的反思,使教学设计的实践走向"在行动中反思"的实践。从反思性实践的认识论出发来考察教学设计人员的成长,可以发现技术理性主导下的传统培养模式培养出来的教学设计人员无法有效应对复杂现实,而未来教学设计人员培养需要建立"反思性实践者"这一新的职业身份,造就作为反思性实践者的教学设计人员。 Reflective practice is a new epistemology of practice advocated by Donald Sch6n in order to blur the line between scholarship and practice through two fundamental claims including knowing-in-action and reflection-in-action. In this article, the authors explore the practice of instructional design and the development of instructional designers fi'om the perspective of reflective practice. They argue that instructional design is a process of knowing-in-action and reflection-in-action, and can be described as a reflective conversation with the material of a design situation, since it situates in real-world and intends to solve ill-structured problem. The training of instructional designer is dominated by technical rationality and the trained instructional designer cannot manage the complexities in practice. As the new epistemology of reflective practice becomes more established in the field, the new professional identity of instructional designer as a reflective practitioner has to be developed.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期25-29,39,共6页 China Educational Technology
关键词 教学设计 反思性实践 在行动认识 在行动中反思 反思性实践者 Instructional Design Reflective Practice Knowing-in-action Reflection-in-action Reflective Practitioner
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