

Educator of Prince in the Spring and Autumn Period
摘要 在春秋时期,"师保"是"傅"和"师"的通称,从职位上分为傅、少傅,师、少师;从来源上分"君命"和"私属"两类。诸侯太子之外,庶子亦可有师保,但一般出身低微,甚至等同宾客。师保与所傅者,属君臣关系,命运休戚相关。诸公子争位带来杀戮,迫使师保开始反思旧有的君臣关系。管仲认为,师保当以社稷为重,不应为君主一人殉身。师保为社稷之臣,而非君主之奴仆。在礼崩乐坏之际,身为师保,当具刚正之气,谏诤违礼,又当谦柔礼让,以礼自防。叔向和晏婴为师保,大量引《诗》、赋《诗》,是礼乐文化的传承者。春秋时期的师保,是中国古代文学中最早的帝王师形象,对社稷百姓具有强烈的责任意识。 During the Period of Spring and Autumn, the teacher of the prince is called "Fu" and "Shi", which is either appointed officially or privately entrusted by the emperor or the regent. In many ways the educator of prince plays an important role as the guidance and assistant of the price in his acceding to the thrown. So the educator of prince inevitably faces the danger of getting him- self involved into political struggles. In order to avoid this predicament, GUAN Zhong, the prime min- ister of Qi State, argues that the educator of prince should put the interest of the State first. And he must be upright and honorable, and at the same time be modest and abide by the etiquette and laws. Therefore the relation between the educator and the prince is no longer the one between ser- vant and master. SHU Xiang and YAN Yin are widely regarded as the embodiment of GUAN Zhong' s ideal of educator of prince. Both of them appeal to The Book of Songs during the process of educat- ing the princes, and take his advice by citing The Book of Songs. They are considered as the bearers and conveyers of Confucian cultural tradition of Li and Yue (Ritual and Music). Educator of prince inherits traditional culture, and has strong sense of responsibility for their nation.
作者 宋小克
机构地区 暨南大学文学院
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期134-139,共6页 Seeking Truth
关键词 宋小克 暨南大学文学院教师 从事先秦两汉文学研究. Spring and Autumn Period, educator of prince, Shi, Fu, education
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  • 2阎振益,钟夏.《新书校注》,北京:中华书局,2000年.第80页.
  • 3徐元诰.《国语集解》.北京:中华书局,2002年版.第11-12,501页.
  • 4陈奇猷.《吕氏春秋新校释》,上海:上海古籍,2002年,第82-83页.
  • 5黎翔凤.《管子校注》,北京:中华书局,2004年,第1249-1250页.
  • 6向宗鲁.《说苑校证》,北京:中华书局,1987年,第1页,
  • 7陈奇猷.《韩非子新校注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2000年,第875页.
  • 8郭庆藩.《庄子集释》,北京:中华书局,1961年版.









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