
周仲瑛从痰辨治恶性肿瘤用药分析 被引量:30

Analysis of Herb Used in Malignant Tumor Treatment Based on Phlegm Syndrome Differentiation by ZHOU Zhongying
摘要 目的探讨周仲瑛从痰辨治恶性肿瘤的组方经验和用药特色。方法全部病案内容均由周仲瑛教授本人亲诊并口述,学生随时记录存档,记录内容逐一输入Visual Fox Pro 6.0周仲瑛教授诊疗资料管理系统。采用频数法、Logistic回归分析等方法分析常用药物,采用关联规则、聚类分析对病机与药物、症状与药物进行相关性分析。结果本研究1374诊次癌症病案中共涉及453味药物,分别为化痰抗癌解毒类:山慈菇、僵蚕、白花蛇舌草等;化痰抗癌祛瘀类:肿节风、石打穿、鬼馒头等;化痰抗癌补虚类:太子参、白术、黄芪等;化痰抗癌清热类:半枝莲、半边莲、蜂房等;化痰抗癌解郁类:香附、郁金、陈皮等;化痰抗癌散结类:猫爪草、天南星、法半夏等。痰瘀常应用山慈菇、猫爪草、鬼馒头、泽漆,痰热常应用山慈菇、漏芦、龙葵、白花蛇舌草、半枝莲,痰毒常应用山慈菇、僵蚕、肿节风、泽漆、白花蛇舌草、半枝莲,气虚常应用太子参、黄芪、仙鹤草,阴虚常应用南沙参、北沙参、麦冬,痰湿常应用法半夏,气郁常应用陈皮、八月札,风痰常应用白附子、天南星。结论周仲瑛治疗恶性肿瘤从痰论治,注重抗癌解毒;扶正补虚,着眼益气养阴;审证求机,倡导复法大方;标急从权,强调缓其所苦。 Objective To explore Professor ZHOU Zhongying's prescription experience and herb use features in malignant tumor treatment based on phlegm syndrome differentiation. Methods All the cases were diagnosed, treated and dictated by Professor ZHOU Zhongying. Students recorded and reserved the data, and contents recorded were input into visual Fox Pro 6. 0 ZHOU Zhongying's Diagnosis and Treatment Database Management System. Analyze common herbs with drug using frequency and Logistic regression analysis. Analyze correlation between pathogenesis and herbs, symptoms and' herbs using association rule and cluster analysis. Results Totally 453 herbs were involved in 1374 visits of cancer cases. Phlegmreducing, detoxification and cancer-preventing drugs includes: Shancigu ( Pseudobulb of Appendiculate Cremastra), Jiangcan ( Bombyx Batryticatus ), Baihua Sheshecao ( Radix Ampelopsis) etc; Phlegm-reducing, cancer-preventing and stasis-removing drugs includes: Zhongjiefeng (Glabrous Sarcandra Herb), Shidachuan (Chinese Sage Herb ), Guimantou (Climbing Fig Receptacle) etc; Phlegm-reducing, cancer-preventing and deficiency-tonifying drugs includes: Taizishen (Radix Pseudostellariae), Baizhu (Rhizoma AtractylodizMacrocephalae), Huangqi ( Radix Astragali) etc ; Phlegm-reducing, cancer-preventing and heat-clearing drugs includes : Banzhilian (Herba Scutellariae Barbatae), Banbianlian ( Chinese lobelia), Fengfang etc ; Phlegm-reducing, cancer-preventing and stagnancy-relieving drugs includes ; Xiangfu (Rhizoma (Radix Curcumae), Chenpi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) etc; Phlegm-reducing, cancer-preventing ( Nidus Vespae ) Cyperi) , Yujin and stagnation-dissipating drugs includes : Maozhuacao ( Radix Ranunculi Ternati), Tiannanxing ( Rhizoma Arisaematis), Fabanxia ( Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparatum) etc. Shancigu, Maozhuacao, Guimantou and Zeqi ( Euphorbia Helioscopia) are often used in phlegm-stasis syndrome. Shancigu, Loulu (Radix Rhapontici), Longkui (Black Nightshade), Baihuasheshecao and Banzhilian are often used and Banzhilian "are often used are often used in qi-deficienc in phlegm-heat syndrome. Shancigu, Jiangcan, Zhongjiefeng, Zeqi, Baihuasheshecao in phlegm-toxin syndrome. Taizishen, Huangqi and Xianhecao (Itairyvein Agrimony) y syndrome. Nanshashen ( Radix Adenophorae), Beishashen ( Radix Glehniae) and Maidong (Radix Ophiopogonis) are often used in yin-deficiency syndrome. Fabanxia is often used in phlegm-damp syndrome. Chenpi and Bayuezha (Akebia Quinata) are often used in qi-stagnancy syndrome. Baifuzi (Rhizoma Typhonii) and Tiannanxing are often used in wind-phlegm syndrome. Conclusion Professor ZHOU Zhongying treats malignant tumor based on phlegm syndrome differentiation, and emphasizes on detoxification and cancer prevention. He strengthens the body resistance, tonifies deficiency, and pay attention to tonifying qi and nourishing yin; He advocates comprehesive methods and large prescriptions; He balances the underlying causes and the urgent symptoms, and lays emphasis on relieving patients' pain
出处 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期740-744,共5页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 恶性肿瘤 周仲瑛 用药规律 malignant tumor ZHOU Zhongying phlegm application rules of Chinese medicine
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