
跨期决策中自我控制的形成机制 被引量:9

Formation Mechanism of Self-control in Intertemporal Decision-making
摘要 跨期决策中的自我控制是指个体在决策中面对短期结果和长期目标的冲突时,抑制对短期结果的偏好而选择与长期目标相一致的行为。本文从心理学和神经经济学的角度对其形成机制进行了解释。心理机制主要包括双重自我模型和解释水平理论。近年来认知神经科学研究发现,与跨期决策中自我控制的产生有关的脑区主要定位于背外侧前额皮层。未来研究可以从深化心理机制研究,探索自我控制能力差异的来源以及拓展其应用研究方面进行探讨。 Self-control in intertemporal decision-making(SCID) is an ability of self-control on preference for long-termgoals rather than short-term results. This article reviewed and summarized the formation mechanism of SCID from psycholo-gy and neuroeconomic respectives. This paper introduced two psychological mechanismfor SCID, namely, the dual self mod-el and construal level theory. Findings from the cognitive neuroscience demonstrated that self-control might mainly involvethe dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Future researches are expected to qualitatively verify the theory, examine the causes ofself-control ability differences and expand the applications.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期231-235,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 跨期决策 自我控制 双重自我模型 解释水平理论 脑机制 Intertemporal decision-making Self-control The dual self model Construal level theory Neural mechanism
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