
持续联结量表中文版的修订与初步应用 被引量:3

Chinese Version of Continuing Bonds Scale: Validation and Preliminary Application
摘要 目的:对引进的持续联结量表(Continuing Bonds Scale,CBS)进行修订和中文版的信效度检验。方法:采用持续联结量表中文版进行调查,获得了1288份有效数据。通过探索性因素分析,验证性因素分析,偏相关分析及内部一致性检验等方法评估该量表的信效度,并初步探索中国丧亲群体持续联结的特点。结果:持续联结量表中文版包括内化联结与外化联结两个维度。外化联结与复杂哀伤症状显著正相关,内化联结与个人成长显著正相关。结论:持续联结量表中文版具有良好的信度和结构效度,具有跨文化的适应性,可用于哀伤领域的研究和实践。 Objective: To validate the Chinese version of Continuing Bonds Scale(CBS-C). Methods: Data was collect-ed from 1288 bereaved Chinese adults through a questionnaire survey. The construct validity of the measure was assessedthrough both exploratory and confirmatory analysis. The criterion-related validity and reliability of the scale was also exam-ined. Background variables associating with continuing bonds were explored too. Results: The CBS-C contained internal-ized and externalized dimensions, and its psychometric properties were proved to be good. Internalized and externalized con-tinuing bonds were found to be associated with a group of background variables. Conclusion: CBS-C is a valid tool to beapplied in Chinese context.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期251-255,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金项目(14XNLF10) 2013年度国家社科基金重大项目(第二批)(13&ZD155)
关键词 丧亲 哀伤 持续联结 信效度 Bereavement Grief Continuing bonds Reliability Validity
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