
尴尬与羞耻的差异比较述评 被引量:3

Review of Differences between Embarrassment and Shame
摘要 尴尬与羞耻皆是负性的自我意识情绪,具有一定的相似性,然而越来越多的研究强调对二者进行明确区分。本文从语义学和心理学的角度对二者进行辨析,详细论述了二者在诱发事件、认知归因、旁观者在场、神经生理基础及生理反应、情绪体验及情绪表达、应对方式等方面的差异,进一步指出它们与心理疾病的关系。未来进行跨文化研究时应保证语义等价性,加强对尴尬和羞耻差异的量化,对社交焦虑等心理障碍进行临床干预时注重对尴尬与羞耻的评估与调节。 Embarrassment and shame are two different concepts with silarities both relating to negative self-conscious emotions. This article aimed to discriminate these two emotions from perspectives of semantics and psychology. We discussed their differences in activating events, cognitive attributions, the presence of audiences, neurophysiologic and physiological response, experience and expression of emotion, coping style in details. The relationships between embarrassment and shame and psychological illness were also discussed. In the future, cross-culture study should ensure semantic equivalency, reinforce quantitative differences between embarrassment and shame. Moreover, clinic psychologists should pay attention to the assessment and regulation of embarrassment and shame in psychological theropy on mental disorders such as social anxiety.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期298-301,288,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(11AZD089)
关键词 尴尬 羞耻 自我意识情绪 心理疾病 Embarrassment Shame Self-conscious emotion Psychological illness
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