目的评价以积极认知为核心的"天使幸福课"对中职护理专业学生总体幸福感和职业幸福感的影响。方法以班级为单位,将326名中职护理专业学生分成两组。在试验组实施以认知—情感—意志为框架的"天使幸福课"。分别在培训前、培训结束后1周以及培训结束后4个月,采用总体幸福感量表和护理专业学生职业幸福感问卷对学生进行测评。结果培训结束后1周和4个月,试验组学生总体幸福感和职业幸福感得分均高于对照组(P<0.01);试验组学生培训结束后1周总体幸福感和职业幸福感得分高于培训前(P<0.05),但到培训结束后4个月时,得分回降到培训前水平(P>0.05)。结论 "天使幸福课"对提高中职护理专业学生的总体幸福感和职业幸福感有显著的短期效应,但随时间延长而减弱。
Objective To determine the influence of angel happiness lessons on the general well-being and career well-being of secondary vocational nursing students. Methods Totally 326 secondary vocational nursing students were divided into two groups. The angel happiness lessons were administrated in the experimental group. The students were investigated using the General Well-Being Schedule(GWB) and Career Well-Being Inventory(CWB) before the training,one week and 4 months after the training. Results The GWB score and CWB score were significantly higher in the experimental group than those of the control group at one week and 4 months after the training(P〈0.01). The GWB score and CWB score increased at one week after the training(P〈0.01),while decreased at 4 months after the training in the experimental group,which were not different from the scores at baseline(P〉0.05). Conclusion Angel happiness lessons can improve the general well-being and career well-being in secondary vocational nursing students,while the long-term effect has not been supported.
Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
Positive Psychology
Happiness lessons
General well-being
Career well-being