麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)是国家珍稀保护动物,良好的觅食生境对其生存发展十分重要。近20年调查结果表明,在麋鹿活动的石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区及周边的江南三合垸和杨波坦地区,麋鹿可采食植物共有33科87属125种,植物多样性总体较好。但近几年来,由于保护区内野生放养面积较小和保护区与长江的自然联系受人为干扰,湿地生境出现退化趋势,具体表现为水生、湿生植物减少,旱生、中生植物疯长,特别是不能被麋鹿采食的白茅群落扩散趋势明显。为此,今后需要加强湿地生境修复、大力进行草场建设。
Milu(Elaphurus davidianus),one of the protected animals,is valuable and rare in China,and a good foraging habitat is very important to its survival and development.The survey results in recent 20 years showed that the edible plants for Milu have 33 families,87categories and 125 species in Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve and its circumjacent Sanheyuan southern Yangtze River and Yangbotan where plant diversity is good as a whole.However,in recent years the habitat degradation of wetland has occurred owing to a lesser grazing area for wild Milu and human disturbance on natural linkage between the reserve and Yangtze River,in which the concrete representations are decrease in the amount of aquatic plants and hygrophyte,overgrowth of xerophyte and mesophyte,especially,cogon(unsuitable for Milu ingestion)has a distinct spread obviously.From now on,it is needed to strengthen habitat restoration of wetland and to implement grassland construction energetically.