

On the growth of solutions of a second order linear differential equation
摘要 利用亚纯函数值分布理论研究了复线性微分方程f″+(HA)(z)f'+B(z)f=0解的增长性,其中B(z)是超越整函数,H(z)是一个分式线性变换,A(z)是方程f″+P(z)f=0的非零解,得到当方程系数A(z)满足适当条件时,保证方程的任意非平凡解为无穷级。 This paper deals with the growth of solutions of the differential equation f″+(HοA)(z)f'+B(z)f=0 by using Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions, where B(z) is a transcendental entire function and H(z) is a fraction linear transformation A(z) and is a nontrivial solutian of the differential equationf″+P(z)f=0. Some suffi- cient conditions forA(z) are to be offered to guarantee that all nontrivial solutions are of infinite order.
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2015年第3期10-12,共3页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
基金 贵州省科学技术基金(黔科合J字[2014]2142号) 贵州师范学院校级科研基金(13ZC003)
关键词 线性微分方程 函数 增长级 linear differential equation function the order of growth
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