目的探讨透刺结合泥蜡疗法对周围性面瘫的治疗作用。方法选取周围性面瘫患者32例,采用地仓透颊车,下关透颊车,阳白透向鱼腰穴,太阳穴透向率谷,攒竹透睛明,四白透迎香;健侧合谷透向三间结合泥蜡疗法,每次留针,留泥蜡均为30 min,1次/d,1个疗程为10次,治疗2个疗程。结果 32例患者中,治愈22例,好转10例,无效0例,治愈率为68.75%,总有效率为100%。结论透刺法结合泥蜡疗法对周围性面瘫有很好的疗效。
Objective To probe into the effects of penetration needling com bined with clay-wax therapy to treat peripheral facial paralysis.Methods 32 sufferers with peripheral facial paralysis were selected and treated by penetration needling that included Dicang-through-Jiache,X iaguan-through-Jiache,Y angbai-through-Y uyao,Taiyang-through-Shuaigu, Chuanzu-through-Jingm ing,Sibai-through-Y ingxiang,H egu-through-Sanjianon the uninjured side,com bined with clay-wax therapyonce each day for 10 daysofone treatm ent course for two treatm ent courses,with 30 m inutes for each needling and clay-wax rem aining .Results A mong 32 patients,22 got fully recovered ,and 10 cases were rem arkedly im proved , 0 case ineffective,with the cure rateof 68.75% ,and the total effective rateof 100% .Conclusion Penetration needling com bined with clay-wax therapy to treat peripheral facial paralysis has good curative effectson peripheral facial paralysis and is worth promoting .
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
Penetration needling
C lay-w ax therapy
Peripheral facial paralysis