

Research Progress of Heat Exchanger Network Cleaning Timing Optimization Which Considering the Effect of Fouling
摘要 在化工生产中,换热器存在普遍结垢现象,这给生产和操作带来了一定的损失。通过定期清洗换热设备,能够有效地减少损失。本文首先对换热设备表面结垢及应对方法进行介绍,在此基础上系统地概述了国内外换热器网络清洗时序优化的研究进展及其应用情况,并且对现有的求解方法及开发软件进行对比分析。最后针对目前研究状况,本文提出了几点展望。 The heat exchanger surface scaling and its countmeasures are introduced. On the basis, the research progress and its application situation of heat exchanger network cleaming timing optimization at home and aboard are system summarized, the existing solving method and developing software are contrasrive analysised. Finally, according to the present research status, some prospect are point out.
出处 《河南化工》 CAS 2015年第4期13-16,共4页 Henan Chemical Industry
关键词 换热器网络 清洗时序 优化 heat exchanger network cleaning optimization
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