广东工业大学坐落在美丽的南国花城广州,是一所具有50多年历史的以工为主、多科性协调发展的省属重点大学。借助于毗邻港澳的地理优势,在广东经济蓬勃发展的带动下,学校的办学水平、科研能力和核心竞争力得到了快速提升。学校现有全日制在校生47 000余人;设有19个学院和4个公共课教学部(中心),75个本科专业。
In order to realize the aim of leap-forward development, GDUT continue to implement the high-level talents recruitment programs, including Deans of five different schools, the "'Fop Talents" Chair Professors and the "High level YouDg Talents" Associate Professors.I. Faculty Positions 1. The "School Deans" Program The university plans to invite scholars, experts and entrepreneurs who are competent to build first-class schools to work as deans of the following schools.
Industrial Engineering Journal