
基于近红外光的人工流产手术系统设计 被引量:1

Development of a near-infrared induced-abortion operation system
摘要 提出一种基于近红外光的人工流产手术系统的设计方案.人工流产吸引管采用CMOS图像传感器和近红外LED光源技术.在有血液的环境下,进行可见光与近红外光成像效果对比实验,并在此基础上,进行了不同波长近红外单色光成像效果对比实验,以确定CMOS摄像头在血液环境下的最佳红外波长.吸引管有3个腔道构成,分别为主吸引腔道、走线腔道、减压通道.人工流产吸引管的减压通道,在术中可以利用压差将宫腔内升高的压力以流体力学的方式排出,减少宫血逆流等并发症、促进血窦闭合、减少出血、减轻疼痛. To develop a near-infrared light-induced abortion operation system solution,a CMOS mod-ule with near-infrared LED light was accurately assembled in the attraction channel.To observe the com-parative experiment quality between visible and near-infrared light,a series of experiments were conduc-ted on the experimental group in blood environment.Imaging experiments of different wavelengths of mon-ochromatic light were made to determine the best infrared wavelengths of CMOS in blood environment.A decompression pipe was designed to reduce the pressure inside the uterine cavity in the form of fluid me-chanics to avoid complications such as uterine blood reflux.In addition,it could promote the blood sinus closed,reduce bleeding and reduce pain.
出处 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期119-123,共5页 Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2012A032200015) 广州市科技计划项目(201300000193)
关键词 人工流产手术 CMOS 图像传感器 血液吸光度 LED 光源 近红外光 减压通道 induced abortion CMOS blood absorbance LED near-infrared light decom-
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