本文介绍了采用安卓操作系统的智能手机,利用GPS卫星定位信号采集模块和Backcountry Navigator软件,导入地震勘探测线的坐标和高程,为野外石油物探施工提供准确的定位信息;同时,使手机除了通话的功能之外,还成为收集地理信息的重要工具,能够输出标准的KML或GPX格式的地理数据;结合免费的Mobile Atlas Creator(移动地图创建)软件,挖掘出互联网上各种web mapping service网络地图服务数据,并充分利用各种现有资料,使手机变成一个方便在野外使用的、综合性的地理信息系统分析平台。
Coordinates and elevation can be got by using smart phone based on Android operating system with GPS receiver hardware and Backcountry Navigator Software, then to help the seismic engineers positioning the seismic lines in the field more quickly and easily. It can be a geological information collector with abundant internet resources except a communicate equipment. Free web map source and published maps as well as the hand drawing sketch maps can be used in. Equipment with android system can help people to speed up the filed operation with its integrated GIS information.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting