

An Analysis on Defensive Pessimism of Middle School Students
摘要 选取884名初一至高三年级的中学生为被试对象,采用修订的"防御性悲观"问卷,考察中学生的防御性悲观水平、性别差异、年级差异、初高中间差异以及重点与非重点学校之间的差异。结果表明:中学生防御性悲观总分以及反思性在年级上的差异显著,初一年级在反思性上显著高于高中各年级,初中各年级的反思性都显著高于高一年级;在总量表上初一年级显著高于高一、高三年级,初中各年级都显著高于高一年级。中学生在防御性悲观总分以及反思性上初中得分均显著高于高中。中学生防御性悲观总分及各维度上的得分非重点中学均显著高于重点中学。 This research selects as subjects 884 middle school students from grade 7 to 12. Revised'Defensive Pessimism'questionnaires are used to investigate the levels of the students' defensive pessimism and the differences between male and female students,among grades,between the junior high school and the senior high schools,and between the key schools and other schools. The result indicates that,there is significant grade difference in defensive pessimism and reflectivity. On the level of reflectivity,the seventh grade is significantly higher than each grade of the senior high school and every grade of junior high school was significantly higher than the tenth grade. On the total dimension table,the sixth grade is significantly higher than the tenth and the twelfth grade,and every grade of junior high school is significantly higher than the tenth grade. The junior high school's defensive pessimism and reflectivity scores are significantly higher than those of the senior high school. And the non-key schools are significantly higher than the key schools in the total score of defensive pessimism and the scores of each dimension.
作者 王卉
出处 《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期112-116,127-128,共5页 Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 防御性悲观 防御性期望 反思性 中学生 defensive pessimism defensive expectation reflectivity middle school students
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