目的了解2000~2013年天津市东丽区甲乙类传染病流行特征,为制定防控策略提供科学依据。方法对2000~2013年甲乙类传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2000~2013年无甲类传染病报告,乙类传染病22种14 723例,发病率在131.78/10万~303.01/10万之间,平均发病率为235.87/10万,平均死亡率为0.37/10万。从发病顺位来看,细菌性痢疾始终居于首位,病毒性肝炎多居于二三位次,但有逐年后退的趋势。肺结核居于第二位,梅毒近年来也有上升的趋势,其他跻身前五位的疾病主要还有麻疹、猩红热和流行性出血热。肠道传染病在甲乙类传染病中报告最多,占总体发病的53.68%,血液及性传播疾病占23.05%,呼吸道传染病占22.39%。结论细菌性痢疾、肺结核、麻疹和病毒性肝炎是当前重点防控的传染病。需加强预防接种和传染病监测及报告管理,建立多部门合作,全社会参与的防控模式。
Objective To describe the epidemic characteristics of A and B type infectious disease legally in Dongli District,Tianjin city during 2000-2013, and provide scientific basis for formulating prevention and control strategies. Methods Analysis the epidemic data of 2000-2013 years of A and B type infectious dis- ease legally. Results From 2000 to 2013, non A type diseases reported, B type report 22 kinds 14 723 cases, incidence form 131.78/10million to 303.01/10 million, the average incidence rate was 235.87/10 million, the average mortality rate was 0.37/10 million. From the overall incidence of bacillary dysentery in view, always in the first place, viral hepatitis occupied two or three ranking, but have been receding trend. Pulmonary tu- berculosis mainly in the second, syphilis in recent years are also on the rise, other ranked among the top five diseases and measles,scarlet fever and epidemic hemorrhagic fever. Intestinal infectious diseases in the A and B Class infectious diseases, reported the highest in overall incidence, accounted for 53.68%, blood and sexually transmitted diseases accounted for 23.05% ,accounting for 22.39% of respiratory tract infectious disease. Conclusions Bacillary dysentery ,tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis is the current focus on pre- vention and control of infectious diseases. The need to strengthen the prevention vaccination and infectious disease surveillance and reporting management, establish multi sectoral cooperation, the whole society to par- ticipate in the prevention and control mode.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
A and B Class infectious diseases
epidemic characteristics