
著名物理学家约当及其重要贡献 被引量:2

Pascual Jordan:a brilliant physicist and his important contributions
摘要 约当是建立矩阵力学的3个重要成员之一.但是受文献的制约,此前缺乏从约当视角对于哥廷根物理学派的研究.本文基于新译的重要文献,改变了这一现实,纠正了过去对于约当的若干错误说法与认识;描述了约当成长为著名物理学家的历程和他的重要物理贡献.约当的回忆,有助于解决量子力学史上遗留的一些问题. Pascual Jordan was one of the three key founders of matrix mechanics. Due to the limitation of do- cuments, the research from Jordan's perspective on the Gottingen physical school was very lacking. Based on the document which was translated recently, reality has changed. The paper corrects some wrong describing and assessment on Jordan; describes and discusses the process by which Jordan became a brilliant physicist, and his important contributions to physics. The reminiscence of Jordan is a good help to resolve some problems left from the history of quantum mechanics.
出处 《大学物理》 北大核心 2015年第4期44-51,共8页 College Physics
基金 2013年国家自然科学基金面上项目(11375050)资助的系列研究成果之下 2012年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(12YJA720009)资助
关键词 约当 矩阵力学 哥廷根物理学派 Pascual Jordan matrix mechanics the Gottingen physical school
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