
兔病毒性出血症实验病埋观察 被引量:3

Experimental Pathological Observation on Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease
摘要 本实验以青紫蓝兔为试验动物,将兔病毒性出血症病毒通过静脉接种等途径进行人工感染,观察感染兔的发病过程及临床症状并记录,动物死亡后,进行病埋剖检检查及组织学检查.结果表明,兔病毒性出血症感染青紫蓝兔的潜伏期平均为2~3 d,主要临床症状为体温升高至40.5~41℃,精神委顿、皮毛松乱、食欲减退、呼吸迫促、濒死期反射消失,病程1~2 d.发病率和病死率在90%以上.病理剖检变化主要为各组织器官弥漫性的点状出血和实质器官的淤血、水肿和变性.组织学变化主要为实质器官的微血管形成弥漫性血管内凝血,间质水肿,细胞广泛变性和坏死. Development and symptom of rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease were observed and recorded after the gray--blue rabbit were artificially infected with rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) by intravenous injection. The rabbit was examined by pathological and histological examination after it died. The results showed that incubation period of infected rabbit was 2 to 3 days in average, the main clinical symptoms of infected rabbit were followed as: high body temperature (40.5~ 41~C ), spiritual malaise, fur chaos and loose, anorexia, tachypnea, nerve impulse vanished in agonal stage, and the disease du- ration was 1 to 2 days. The incidence and fatality rate were over 90 %. Pathological changes were disseminated flecked bleeding in all tissue and organ, congestion in parenchymatous organs, dropsy and degeneration. The main alterations of histology were disseminated intravascular coagulation of blood capillary in parenchymatous organs, interstitial edema, cell degeneration and necrosis extensively.
作者 文育胜
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2015年第3期15-17,22,共4页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 兔病毒性出血症 人工感染 病理观察 rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease artificial infection pathological observation
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