目的建立盐酸哌唑嗪消旋山莨菪碱片中消旋山莨菪碱、盐酸哌唑嗪的含量测定方法。方法 HPLC法Fortis C18分析柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),甲醇-(3.484 g·L-1戊烷磺酸钠溶液与3.64 g·L-1四甲基氢氧化铵溶液用醋酸调节p H值为5.0)(45∶55)为流动相,流速:1.0 ml·min-1,检测波长225 nm。结果消旋山莨菪碱回归方程为Y=3639 X-172.87,r=0.9998(n=6),消旋山莨菪碱浓度在5.625~225μg·ml-1范围内呈线性关系,平均回收率为99.86%,RSD为0.95%。盐酸哌唑嗪回归方程为Y=27 637 X+8100.8,r=0.9999(n=6),盐酸哌唑嗪浓度在1.9925~79.7μg·ml-1范围内呈线性关系,平均回收率为100.41%,RSD为1.15%。结论本方法简便、准确、快速、可以作为该制剂的含量测定方法。
Objective To establish a method of determining the content of raceanisodamine and prazosin hydrochloride in prazosin hydrochloride raceanisodamine tablets.Methods HPLC Fortis C18 analytical column(250 mm × 4.6 mm,5 μm) was used and the mobile phase was methanol-a mixture solution of 3.484 g·L-1sodium pentanesulfonate solution and 3.64 g·L-1tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide solution with p H adjusted to 5 by acetic acid(45∶ 55).The flow rate was 1.0 ml·min-1and the detection wavelength was 225 nm.Results For raceanisodamine,the regression equation was Y = 3639 X-172.87,r = 0.9998(n = 6),the linearity ranged from 5.625 to 225 μg·ml-1,the average recovery was 99.86% and RSD was 0.95%.For prazosin hydrochloride,the regression equation was Y = 27 637 X + 8100.8,r = 0.9999(n = 6),the linearity was between 1.9925 and 79.7 μg·ml-1,the average recovery was 100.41% and RSD was 1.15%.Conclusion This HPLC method is accurate,quick and simple for determining the content of the compound.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army