介绍HG液压导轨油的研制过程。重点考察不同类型油性剂的“防爬”性能以及对油品抗氧性、抗磨性、破乳性和抗泡性能的影响。研制油品通过了广州机床研究所“防爬”性试验 ,并在济南机床四厂取得较好的工业试验结果。
The development of HG hydraulic slide way oil was introduced. The anti-slip performance of the different oiliness agents was emphatically investigated, and the effects caused by these oiliness agents on other performances of the oils such as antioxidant, antiwear, demulsibility and antifoaming were simultaneously tested. The developed oils have passed the anti-slip test in Guangzhou Machine Tool Research Institute, and good results of industrial test have been obtained in Ji'nan No.4 Machine Tool Works.
Lubricating Oil