
枢纽机场中转水平度量评价研究 被引量:6

Study on evaluation of the transfer level of hub airport
摘要 为了全面分析我国主要机场的中转能力,准确把握我国枢纽机场建设中存在的问题,从机场航线网络的布局和航班时刻编排的角度,构建了中转水平度量模型。从模型可得到枢纽机场所能提供的中转机会和中转质量,利用模型对我国和美国的主要枢纽机场进行实证研究。结果显示,在吞吐量相当的情况下,中美两国国内枢纽机场的中转水平均高于其他类型的枢纽,美国主要枢纽机场的中转水平普遍高于我国机场。中转水平度量模型为我国枢纽机场评价指标体系的构建奠定了基础,对完善航线网络的结构和航班时刻的编排,提高中转水平等具有指导意义。 Civil aviation industry has become an important industry in stimulating national economic growth. At the same time, the construction of hub airport has been upgraded to the national level. For a comprehensive analysis of the status quo of China's hub airport transit level and grasping the existing problems during the construction of the hub airport accurately, the transit level measurement model form the angle of the route network and the slot-scheduling is given. Then the paper takes the hub airport of our country and US for analysis. The results show that in the case of the passenger throughput considerably, transit level of domestic hub is higher than other types of hubs, and transit level of US airports is generally higher than the level of that of our country. The model lies the foundation of hub airports evaluation and has great significance in helping the airport rationalize the route network and slot-scheduling to improve transit level.
作者 杨新湦 齐莉
出处 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第7期803-807,816,共6页 China Sciencepaper
基金 中国民用航空局空管行业管理办公室资助(KGB20130312) 教育部人文社科青年基金资助(14YJC630185) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(ZXH2011C009) 民航安全能力资助项目(CJY20140312)
关键词 航空运输 枢纽机场 航线网络 航班时刻 中转水平度量模型 air transportion hub airport route network slot-scheduling transfer level
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