

Clinical analysis of 321 cases of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance in South Sichuan
摘要 目的:分析宫颈液基薄层细胞学TCT检测结果为未明确诊断意义的不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS)患者的临床与组织学诊断结果,探讨其临床意义及处理方式。方法:研究对象共321例,患者均来自四川川南地区,行宫颈液基细胞学检查且有组织病理学进行对照,应用TBS分级诊断标准。结果:321例ASCUS患者中,36~45岁年龄段检出率最高(48.6%)。病理活检结果为炎症占68.5%,CINⅠ级占13.7%,CINIⅡ级占8.7%,CINⅢ级占9.0%。其中,患者≤25岁CIN占37.5%,36~45岁CIN占37.8%,宫颈病变发病年龄出现低龄化的趋势。结论:四川川南地区,ASCUS患者隐藏着CIN病变,对待ASCUS患者应给予个体化处理,从而降低宫颈癌的发病率。 Objective: To analyze the clinical and histopathological results of patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and to discuss how to handle these patients. Methods: A total of 321 cases of ASCUS from South Sichuan were included.The cervical liquid based cytologica tests were performed and compared with histopathological results. Classification criteria of the Bathesda system was used for the diagnosis. Results: 36 ~ 45 years old group had the highest lesion detectien rate (48.6%). Pathological biopsy results showed that inflammation accounted for 68.5%, CINⅠ for 13.7%, CINII for 8.7%, and CINⅢ for 9.0%. The occurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in patients less than 25 years old was 37.5%and in 36~45 years old was 37.8%, the onset age for cervical lesions showing the trend of becoming younger. Conclusion:The patients with ASCUS in South Sichuan have the risk of CIN lesions, The treatment of ASCUS patients should be individualized to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer.
出处 《泸州医学院学报》 2015年第2期142-144,共3页 Journal of Luzhou Medical College
关键词 液基细胞学 ASCUS 组织病理学 临床分析 四川川南地区 Liquid based cytology Atypical squamous ceils of undetermined significance (ASCUS) Histopathology Clinical analysis South Sichuan
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