

Comparison of two investigations of death cause among the residents with 20km around nuclear power stations of Daya Bay and Ling Ao
摘要 目的了解广东大亚湾、岭澳核电站运行期内周围居民死因分布特点及发生规律,为核电站正常运行或核电事故健康影响评价提供基础资料依据。方法死亡资料来自调查区各疾病监测点每年的死亡登记卡,采用辐射流行病学方法统计分析核电站周围20km半径范围内深圳地区至少居住3年以上(含3年)户籍居民。结果 2002~2005年平均粗死亡率和标化死亡率分别为477.94/10万和406.32/10万,其中男性为475.32/10万和427.50/10万,女性为480.84/10万和357.88/10万。2006~2010年平均粗死亡率和标化死亡率分别为233.27/10万和268.09/10万,其中男性为243.01/10万和279.29/10万,女性为223.41/10万和194.39/10万。心脏病、恶性肿瘤和脑血管疾病上升为前三种主要死亡原因。随着年龄的增大死亡比例和死亡率增加,男性比女性高。2006~2010年胎儿、婴儿死亡率分别为3.42‰和3.43‰,比2002~2005年分别下降了29.8%和65.0%。结论居民的死亡率呈下降趋势,并处于国内一般水平。 Objective To master the distribution and occurrence regularity of the death cause among residents during theoperation period of nuclear power stations of Daya Bay and Ling Ao in Guangdong so as to provide basic data for the healthimpact assessment of the nuclear accident. Methods Mortality data was collected from the death registration cards of diseasesurveillance points of each survey area. Radiation epidemiology were used to analyze the average crude mortality andstandardized mortality rates of residents living in the areas of 20 km around the nuclear power stations in Shenzhen for at leastthree years(including 3 years). Results The average crude mortality and standardized mortality rates from 2002 to 2005 were 477.94 / 100 000 and 406.32 / 100 000, among which male patients were 475.32 / 100 000 and 427.50 / 100 000, females480.84 / 100 000 and 357.88 / 100 000. From 2006 to 2010, the average crude mortality and standardized mortality rates were233.27 / 100 000 and 268.09 / 100 000, of which males were 243.01 / 100 000 and 279.29 / 100 000, females 223.41 / 100 000 and 194.39 / 100 000. The top three death causes were heart disease, malignant tumors, and cerebrovascular disease. Withincreasing age, the mortality rates increased, and males had higher mortality rates than females. From 2006 to 2010, themortality rates among fetal and infant were 3.42‰ and 3.43‰, which was lower by 29.8% and 65.0% compared with those from^2002 to 2005, respectively.Conclusion The mortality rate of residents was on the decline and at the domestic average level.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2015年第2期221-223,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 深圳市科技创新委员会立项(No.JCYJ20140414110951779)
关键词 核电站 周围居民 死因 顺位排列 Nuclear power station Residents Death casue Sequence
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