
美国的云计算战略及其对军事和国际关系的影响 被引量:3

America's Cloud Computing Strategy and Its Influence on Military and International Relations
摘要 云计算有两个核心特征:一是小型计算的网络化,二是计算的经济使用和优化配置。2011年,美国制定了联邦云计算战略,推动云计算在联邦政府和社会各层面的推广。美国将云计算技术作为国家战略推出的根本原因是,希望保持美国在信息产业中的领先地位,从而服务于其霸权维系。云计算推动新军事变革进入一个新的发展阶段。军队私有云的建设将进一步提高军队信息处理的能力,从而使得一些高数据处理需求的战斗单元或军事作战平台成为可能。将保密等级较低的信息操作外包给商业云计算公司,则可以极大地提高军队的行政效率。云计算对未来国际关系的影响主要集中在两个方面:一是美国在云计算开发上的绝对优势地位给冷战后的多极化趋势增加了不确定性;二是云计算的发展使得政府获得了强大的信息整合能力,从而使其在与非国家行为体的信息竞争中处于更为优势的地位。 Cloud computing has two key features:the networking of small computing and the economical utilization and optimized allocation of computing.In2011,the United States enacted the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy and expanded its application in the federal government and other fields in the society.The fundamental reason for the U.S.to put cloud computing technology as its national strategy is to attempt to hold the leading position in IT industry so as to maintain its hegemony in the world.Cloud computing has furthered new military reform into a new stage.The building of military private cloud improves the capability of information processing and makes it possible for the emergence of combating units and platforms with high dataprocessing needs.Meanwhile,outsourcing information operation with low classification ranking to commercial cloud computing companies can greatly raise the administrative efficiency of the army.The cloud computing also has impact on international relations in the future.First,America's absolute dominant position in cloud computing area will add uncertainty to polarization trend after the Cold War.Second,the development of cloud computing will strengthen government's information integration capabilities,and thereby government can gain more advantage in the process of competing with non-state actors.
作者 高奇琦
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期52-67,6,共16页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“全面推进依法治国与国家治理现代化研究”(14AZD133) 华东政法大学政治学研究所“华与罗世界文明与比较政治研究项目” 上海市人才发展资金资助项目“国家参与全球治理(SPIGG)指数的指标与测量”(201473) 上海市教委科研创新项目“中国参与全球治理的理论创新研究”(15ZS060)的研究成果
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