

Interference alignment algorithm based on hybrid optimization and receiver cooperation strategy
摘要 利用合作接收和混合优化策略,提出了一种干扰对齐算法,该算法可以在最小化泄漏干扰的同时最大化理想接收信号功率。首先通过接收机合作接收技术,接收端可以合作估计出发送端的预编码向量,从而无须事先知道预编码向量;然后利用干扰对齐问题的统计特性仅由干扰协方差矩阵之和就可以描述的原理,可设计出算法的合作接收的结构;最后通过一个基于合作博弈理论的讨价还价过程,可以选出对所有接收机最优的完全合作机制。仿真结果显示,相比传统的分布式干扰对齐机制,基于合作接收和混合优化技术的干扰对齐机制在各种发射功率条件下都具有更好的可行性。 Based on receiver cooperation and hybrid optimization strategy, this paper proposed an interference alignment algo- rithm, which could minimize the leakage interference and maximize the desired received signal power simultaneously. Firstly, through receiver cooperative techniques at the receiver, the pre-coding matrix computed at the transmitter could be implicitly estimated cooperatively therefore it need not be known in advance at the receiver. Then the cooperative structure of the pro- posed algorithm could be designed based on the principle that the sum of interference covariance matrices was enough to de- scribe the statistical characteristics of the alignment problem. Lastly, it chose the optimal full cooperative scheme via an argu- ment process based on the cooperative game theory. Simulation results show that compared to the traditional distributed inter- ference alignment scheme, the proposed interference alignment scheme with receiver cooperative and hybrid optimization tech- niques has better feasibility at variously transmit powers.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1857-1860,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 河南省教育厅资助项目(14A520054) 郑州市科技局资助项目(20131022 20130704)
关键词 干扰对齐 合作接收 泄漏干扰 协方差矩阵 interference alignment receiver cooperation leakage interference covariance matrix
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