目的 :探讨小儿热感宁口服液 (XRK)对小鼠急性炎症的抗炎作用。方法 :XRK分为高、中、低 3个剂量组 ,阳性对照组给予消炎痛 ,阴性对照组给予等容量蒸馏水 ,每日给药 1次 ,连续给药 3日 ,末次给药后 30min将二甲苯 0 .0 5mL均匀涂布于小鼠右耳前后两面 ,15min后小鼠处死 ,将双耳同部位等面积切下 ,称重 ,计算耳朵肿胀度。结果 :①消炎痛组及XRK高、中、低 3个剂量组的耳肿胀度均明显小于阴性对照组 (各用药组分别与阴性对照组比较 ,消炎痛、XRK高、中剂量组P均 <0 .0 1;XRK低剂量组P <0 .0 5 ) ;②XRK小剂量组的肿胀度则明显大于XRK高、中剂量组及消炎痛组 (P均<0 .0 1)。结论 :XRK与消炎痛均有一定的抗炎作用 ,XRK的抗炎作用呈现一定的量效关系。
Objective: To study the effect of XRK on mice's acute inflammation. Methods:The three XRL groups were fed on XRK of high, middle and low dosage, the positive group was fed on mezolin, and the control group was fed on distilled water. All groups were fed for three days, once per day. 30 minutes after the last treatment, Xylene (0.05 ml) was spreaded on mice's right ear in two sides, 15 minutes later, mice were put to death and its two ears were cut in same area, then weighed, calculated the swelling degree of its ears. Results: ① The swelling degrees in the three XRL groups were all lower significantly than that in the control group ( P <0.01, P<0.01 and P <0.05, respectively). ② The swelling degree in XRK group of low dosage was higher significantly than that in high, middle XRK groups and mezolin group.( P <0.01). Conclusion: XRK and mezolin both had anti inflammatory action, and XRK had dose response relationship.
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine