
毒理学关注阈值应用研究进展 被引量:3

Progress in the application of threshold of toxicological concern
摘要 毒理学关注阈值是一种科学实用的食品中化学物风险评估方法,也是风险管理中对各种化学物风险评估的优先性进行识别和筛选的有效工具。但由于这一方法是在缺少常规的毒性资料的前提下,试图通过化学物的结构对化学物进行风险特征描述,所以在其应用方面目前仍然存在不少争议。本文结合毒理关注阈值方法的原理、要素及在应用方面的最新进展,就其在化学物风险评估中需要考虑的关键问题进行探讨和总结。 Threshold of toxicological concern (TTC)is a scientific and practical method for the food safety risk assessment of chemicals, and also an useful tool for the identification and screening of chemicals with risk assessment priority. However, there were still controversial opinions concerning the application of this method, which was established to provide risk characterization on the bases of chemical structures whereas in the lack of conventional toxicological data. Here, we reviewed the principles, critical factors, and recent progress in the application of TTC method, to explore and summarize the critical aspects that need particular considerations in the risk assessment of chemicals.
作者 杨辉 贾旭东
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期452-456,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 食品安全 危险性评估 决策树 毒理学关注阈值 Food safety Risk assessment Decision trees Threshold of toxicological concern
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